The Elephant in the Room is...ORANGUTANS with Live Chat from OVAID
Get ready to indulge in all things Orangutan!
This session is jam-packed with gorgeous visuals and fantastic facts & chat from OVAID (Orangutan Veterinary Aid) founders Nigel & Sara. It's brilliant to hear their stories and about the individuals that you are drawing.
We start with moving footage and then onto still photography all supplied by OVAID.
If you are sharing your work then we LOVE to see it. Please tag @animallifedrawing & @orangutanveterinaryaid
**This is a video rental for streaming only. Once you purchase you have 30days to view and 72hrs once you have pressed play. This video had no sound.
Watch link provided after purchase
Video Streaming of Orangutans for Drawing Purposes with audio.
4.61 GB
120 minutes
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