The Elephant in the Room is...Animal Artist in Action - STEPH FIZER COLEMAN
This recording is from a live session and includes the audio chat between host Holly Surplice and featured artist, Steph Fizer Coleman.
You will see the reference material and Kate's working space in a split screen format. You can listen to all the creative chat whilst creating along under your own steam!
Steph is an incredible business-savvy and hugely talented published illustrator. She gives an introductory chat about colour and materials and gives great insight into her career as a children's illustrator throughout this informal chatty session.
In this session we draw a variety of birds from both moving footage and still photography by Jocelyn Anderson.
**This is a video rental for streaming only. Once you purchase you have 30days to view and 72hrs once you have pressed play. This video had no sound.
Video Streaming of animals for Drawing Purposes with audio.